상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

김태연 (소녀시대) 제2회 멜론 뮤직 어워드 레드카펫에 참석하고있다!!!

카테고리 없음

by HasuKokoro 2024. 3. 11. 06:45


Kim Taeyeon (SNSD) attending The 2nd Melon Music Awards Red Carpet (December 15 2010 / 2010년 12월 15일)!!!

Happy Birthday Leader Kim Taeyeon (SNSD) - 리더 김태연 (소녀시대) 생일 축하합니다!!!

At this event, SNSD won as Artist Of The Year, Top 10 Artists, Best Dressed Singer and Hot Trend Award with the song "Hoot". This award ceremony was held at Hall of Peace, Kyung Hee University in Dongdaemun-gu, Hoegi-dong, Seoul.

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#올해의아티스트상  #훗  #톱10아티스트상  #핫트렌드상 